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digitalfish #9199

Spawned: 08/30/2008

Recently Spotted: In cache GC5REYH

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Tracking History (564.46 total miles)

Fish Release 04/27/2024 Somethings Fishy released it into GC5REYH
Log entry: Dropped in a cache.
Fish Dip 04/20/2024 Somethings Fishy dipped it into GCGV0P
Log entry: I am so sorry that I've have held onto this little blue fish for so long. I recently started geocaching again and noticed that he was in an my old geocaching stuff. So I took him to visit the very 1st geocache ever placed. I will move him into a cache soon. Somethings Fishy
01/01/2012 digitalfish marked it as missing
Log entry: Cache archived.
Fish Spawn 08/30/2008 digitalfish spawned it into GC1F6MK 4.59