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digitalfish #3547

Spawned: 05/15/2006

Recently Spotted: Lost At Sea (Location Unknown)

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Tracking History (5617.11 total miles)

01/01/2012 digitalfish marked it as missing
Log entry: Cache archived.
Fish Release 04/08/2007 Ruud4d released it into GCKX2A
Log entry: Let's go swim for a little while in the pond that it's near.
Fish Release 03/22/2007 PA3FUS released it into GCXABK
Log entry: Dropped this fishy near some nice waters and a radio tower. ;-)
03/04/2007 PA3FUS caught it
Log entry: During a cache check I found this little fish. Since it's a new item for me I took it home. I'll replace it somewhere else, but it may be not as far as team professor x ;-) Greetings Jan-Willem PA3FUS.
Fish Release 03/04/2007 ijskonijn released it into GCWMKP
Log entry: I don't usually go pick up little micro caches, only if I stumble upon them. So, to make sure I was not going to let this fish dry out, I put it back in a cache the same day. It can be put on a train here, but it won't go far then. Hope next cacher takes this little thingy a bit further. But they are fun!
03/04/2007 ijskonijn caught it
Log entry: Found it at the edge of a medieval town. This is a fun thing to spice up dull photo rol cans!
Fish Release 02/28/2007 boompie released it into GC10XKG
Log entry: After staying with us for a month, it became time to release the little guy. We hope it will have a good trip. Elf and Gerard
01/29/2007 boompie caught it
Log entry: Last weekend we rescued the little guy, while he was swimming under a rainbow, trying to escape from some Dutch chickens. We'll release it soon. Greatings, Team Boompie Elf and Gerard
01/23/2007 Partner discovered it
Log entry: Found it during stash-control. So why not log it. It's left in the same place. greetings Partner Erik!
Fish Release 01/21/2007 Team Professor X released it into GCK28G
Log entry: On a sunny Sunday afternoon in January, a little fish got a little bit lost on a touristic peak in Hong Kong. How this fish got to climb 400 meters? We will never now. The fish was in urgent need to seek for some waters to swim in, so I decided to pick it up and bring it down via the Hong Kong Tram to the harbour. There, I released the fish into the sea. The little fish was so happy, it immediately started to swim. When leaving the harbour it saw some pink dolphins and the fish wondered what typical fish these are. It swam through the South Chinese sea into the Indian Ocean where it was flabbergasted about the beautiful corals. Then, after a couple of days water turned red when the fish entered the Red Sea. It already became a little bit tired, but continued its journey. Suddenly waters became quite narrow. A Canal built in the 50's was crossed and yet again new waters. The mediterrean sea was crossed and after passing the rock of Gibraltar waters became colder when entering the cold gulf stream of the Atlantic Ocean. But the fish continued. It wanted to thank its rescuer in Hong Kong, but then it had to cross the Channel between France and the UK to end up in the North Sea. Waters over here are very cold in the winter, so the fish decided to enter a river that flooded into the sea over here. The river Rhine was taken, but after about 50 miles, the fish was so cold, it decided once again to climb up to the shore to find out it had landed in the Netherlands, home country of Team Professor X. And the fish was so happy to find the professor, as a token of appreciation it decided to color the sky with a beautiful rainbow. There its long journey ended. In one week, it traveled more than 9,000 kilometers. It is now enjoying a good rest in "Rainbow" hoping for a next host to bring him forward. Little fish: good journey and a happy life! Best wishes, Team Professor X
01/11/2007 Team Professor X caught it
Log entry: I found this Digital Fish in Hong Kong, in the Geocache Tram Peak Toilet (waypoint: GCRHJ2) and will let it swim long distance!
05/15/2006 digitalfish gave fish to crazyussoldier