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digitalfish #12702

Spawned: 04/29/2012

Recently Spotted: In the hands of JoeFromShandon

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Tracking History (4.94 total miles)

10/25/2015 JoeFromShandon caught it
Log entry: I found this in GC5FA9Y which is in Cambria, Ca. I see why it doesn't get logged, this is an extra step most people won't take. I should be 'releasing' it soon!
06/29/2015 Craklyn discovered it
Log entry: I'm still not really trackable-savvy, but I discovered this fishy in geocache GC5FA9Y, not GC2RQAM. Just a heads up!
Fish Spawn 04/29/2012 digitalfish spawned it into GC2RQAM 4.94