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digitalfish #12026

Spawned: 07/20/2011

Recently Spotted: In cache GC151ZT

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Tracking History (885.74 total miles)

Fish Dip 08/03/2014 ByeTheWay dipped it into GC151ZT
Log entry: School is in session.
10/08/2011 ByeTheWay caught it
Log entry: Time for this fishy to go to school.
Fish Release 09/25/2011 GoGoJo released it into GC2XQQF
Log entry: The End of The Mother Road (Route 66) seemed a very fitting location for this little fish. I was down in this area, kicking off a 9-day road trip with DavidT21&Fisherwoman. I always enjoy coming across one of your digitalfish, thanks!
08/04/2011 GoGoJo caught it
Log entry: I did very little caching in 2010 and hadn't come across a digitalfish sig item is quite awhile. I was delighted to see and pick up this one, thanks!!
Fish Spawn 07/20/2011 digitalfish spawned it into GC24EXG 7.17